Rwanda- Huye Mountain.

This is an amazing natural processed coffee!  One of our favorites. This Huye Mountain processing station was highlighted in the 2014 coffee documentary "A Film About Coffee" Bonfire Coffee has used this documentary in our in-house training for years!  We are excited to bring this connection to our customers.  

Huye Mountain Coffee is a private washing station established in 2011 to provide farmers in the region with access to international markets and buyers of specialty coffees. Around 1,330 producers deliver their freshly picked coffee cherries to 26 collecting stations around the Huye community, where a truck visits daily to collect the farmers’ coffee during harvest season. This unique coffee comes from the Huye Mountain in the Huye District, in Southern Rwanda, at growing altitudes ranging from 1600 to 2200 meters. This fully washed coffee is dried on raised African beds for between 14 and 28 days, depending on the weather, during which time the coffee is turned regularly and rigorously evaluated for quality.